Setup Login, Register

Install and active Ovatheme Login Plugin

1: Allow Register user in site

When someone tries to register, it says "Registering new users is currently not allowed."

To Resolve this problem: Settings >> General >> tick choose membership

2: Setup Pages for login Plugin (From Version 1.2.1)

From Left Menu click "Login Settings" >> Choose "General Settings"

If you doesn't see any pages in Sign In, Sign Up, Forgot your password, Pick a new password: Please check surely you make page has shortcode like bellow:

3: Create Login Page:

Slug: member-login You can't change this slug. Content: You have to insert shortcode [custom-login-form]

4: Create Register Page:

Slug: member-register You can't change this slug. Content: You have to insert shortcode [custom-register-form]

5: Create Member Account Page

Slug: member-account You can't change this slug. Content: You have to insert shortcode [el_member_account/]

6: Create Forgot Your Password page

Slug: member-password-lost You can't change this slug. Content: You have to insert shortcode [custom-password-lost-form /]

7: Create Pick a New Password page

Slug: member-password-reset You can't change this slug. Content: You have to insert shortcode [custom-password-reset-form]

8: Choose member acount page in Events >> Settings

This content of page has shortcode: [el_member_account/]

9: Remove Vendor option in register form

Add this code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'meup_register_vendor_account', function(){ return false; } );

10: Make Vendor option is default in register form

Add this code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'meup_register_vendor_account_checked', function(){ return 'checked'; } );
add_filter( 'meup_register_user_account_checked', function(){ return ''; } );

11: Remove User Option in register form

Add this code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'meup_register_vendor_account_checked', function(){ return 'checked'; } );
add_filter( 'meup_register_user_account_checked', function(){ return ''; } );
add_filter( 'meup_register_user_account', function(){ return false; } );

12: Login with social: Facebook, Twitter, Google...

You can install to use this feature.

13: Customize template in child theme

Copy file in folder plugins/ova-login/templates/ to child theme meup-child/ovalg-templates/ folder

Note: You have to make folder ovalg-templates in child theme

Last updated