Cart Event Page

Add hook code to functions.php file in child theme

1: Frontend

2: Customizes

2.1 Remove "remaining tickets" in Ticket Type section

Go to Events >> Settings >> Event >> Single event settings >> Show Remaining Ticket: No

2.2 Ticket Receiver

a) Remove "receiver option"

add bellow code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'el_show_multiple_ticket_checkout_form', '__return_false' );

b) Remove "Last Name" field

add bellow code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'el_show_last_name_checkout_form', '__return_false' );

c) Remove "Confirm Email" field

add bellow code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'el_checkout_show_email_confirm', '__return_false' );

d) Require enter "Phone" field when submit form

add bellow code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'el_checkout_required_phone', function(){ return 'true'; } );

e) Remove "Phone" field

add bellow code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'el_checkout_show_phone', '__return_false' );

f) Require enter "Address" field when submit form

add bellow code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'el_checkout_required_address', function(){ return 'true'; } );

g) Remove "Address" field

add bellow code to functions.php file in child theme

add_filter( 'el_checkout_show_address', '__return_false' );

h) Add Other fields to "Ticket Receiver" section

Please add in "Custom Checkout fields". Read here

2.3) Payment Method

You can setup in Events >> Settings >> Checkout. Read here

Last updated