Install Theme

1: Video Install The Theme

2: Requirements for our theme

Require Server/Hosting with some config:

max_execution_time = 180

max_input_time = 600

post_max_size = 60M

upload_max_filesize = 60M

allow_url_fopen: true

mbstring: Enable

GD Image Library: Enable

PHP 7.x, 8.x (recommend 8.1.x)

Mysql 5 or higher

WordPress latest Version

3 : Install Theme

Step 1: From Admin Menu click Appearence >> Themes >> Add New

Step 2: Install Parent Theme

Then upload Parent theme, Return To Themes Page to install Child Theme

Step 3: Install Child Theme like install Parent theme

Step 4: Active Child Theme

Step 5: Install and Active Plugins

Step 6: Choose Permalink with Post Name

4: Import Demo Data

We have 2 ways to import demo data.

1: Automatic Import : You should use this way

2: Manual Import

1: Automatic Import

From "Admin Menu" click Appearance >> Import Demo Data >> Wait for about 5 minutes to import data

2: Manual Import

Step 1: From "Admin Menu", click Tools >> Import >> Install Now

Step 2: Import "widget data": Tool >> Widget Importer & Exporter

Step 3: Config Menu From "Admin Menu", click Appearance >> Menu

Step 4: Choose "Home Page" and "Blog Page" From "Admin Menu", click Settings >> Reading

Step 5: Config Event List plugin

After import demo, you have to config some settings in "Event List" Plugin

After importing demo data, you can go to Events. >> Settings - Choose some global pages

- Enable Package

- Choose a Payment Gateway

Step 6: Go to frontend to enjoy your results !

Last updated