
In this plugin, we give 2 options to support you to manage inventory:

1) Automatic:

If you have 3 same products, you don't need to create 3 individual products for them. You just need to create 1 product. Then in inventory field, you choose automatic and set 3 for stock quantity. Your customers are enable to order quantities from 1 to 3.

Suppose that you have 3 Vios cars for rent. A customer booked those 3 cars from 28/05/2024 to 30/05/2024. Therefore, other customer can't book those cars during the time period ( from 28/05/2024 to 30/05/2024 )

2) Manual:

This feature are used if you want to mange your individual products according to unique ID.

To use this feature, you need to follow steps bellow:

Step 1: Create Vehicle

Go to Manage Vehicle >> Add New Vehicle

  • Add Vehicle Name

  • Add Vehicle ID ( unique )

  • Require Location: Choose Yes/No. If you choose "yes", you will set location for the vehicle

  • Add Unavailable Time

Suppose that you have 3 same BMW cars and you want to control those 3 ones according to their different license plates ( 30A456, 29B123, 31C765 ). You will create 3 new cars with 3 unique IDs ( 30A456, 29B123, 31C765 )

Step 2: Choose Vehicle manually

Go to Products >> Ad New >> Inventory. In this Field, you choose Manually, a field "Choose Vehicles" will appear. Then, you will choose items that you have already made in the first step.

Please, note: When a custom makes a booking to rent these products, His order will be assigned an unique ID. Therefore, he must receive the product with the ID that is displayed in his order.

Also Find Vehicle ID in Manage Order

Also you can check Available Vehicle ID of any product in any time.

Last updated