Install and Update Plugin


  • PHP 7.x, 8.x (recommend 8.1.x)

  • Install and Active WooCommerce Plugin

Install Plugin

At the root folder of the downloaded zip from CodeCanyon you will find a zip file ( that can be installed on your Wordpress site. This file contains the plugin core files. After you've located this file you can start the installation of the plugin.

  1. Surely You installed and actived WooCommerce Plugin

  2. First, go to Plugin page and click the Add New button.

  3. Click the Upload link.

  4. Click the Choose File and then, select the file.

  5. Finally, activate the plugin by clicking on the Activate Plugin link

Update Plugin

a) Auto Update

Use Envato Market WordPress Plugin to automatically update

Read more here:

b) Manual Update

Step 1: Download again plugin

a, Re-download theme package from b, Click "All files & documentation" link like bellow image:

c, Extract the package ( .ZIP file )

Step 2: Update Plugins

Unzip file then upload and override to wp-content/plugins/ folder in your server

Last updated