Event Archive Template

1: You can copy file plugins/eventlist/templates/archive-event.php to themes/meup-child/eventlist/ folder

The archive template supports 5 types: Type1, Typ2, Type3, Type4, Type5 ( Check in Events >> Settings >> Event Tab >> Archive Settings Type ), you have to edit archive template like content-event-type1.php, content-event-type2.php .... content-event-type5.php

Customize elements in archive template: You can find all elements in plugins/eventlist/templates/loop and copy it to themes/meup-child/eventlist/loop/ folder

2: Customize Search Form in Event Archive Page

Add the code bellow to functions.php in child theme

remove_action( 'el_archive_description', 'el_event_archive_description' );
add_action( 'el_archive_description', 'el_event_archive_description_custom' );
function el_event_archive_description_custom(){
	echo do_shortcode( '[el_search_form type="type3" pos1="name_event" pos2="cat" pos3="loc_state" pos4="loc_city" pos5="all_time" pos6="start_event" pos7="end_event" pos8="venue" taxonomy_customize=""  /]' );


The shortcode supports 8 positions and custom taxonomy position. This is all value that use per postion

name_event: name event field cat: Category field loc_state: State field loc_city: City field all_time: display list today, tomorrow, this week, this weekend, next week start_event: start event field end_event: end date field venue: venue field taxonomy_customize: insert slug of taxonomy like: tax1, tax2, tax3

Last updated