Customize search form in category, archive event page

Add bellow code to functions.php file in child theme

1: Add/Update/Remove filed in search form

remove_action( 'el_archive_description', 'el_event_archive_description', 10 );
add_action( 'el_archive_description', 'el_event_archive_description_customize', 10 );
function el_event_archive_description_customize(){
	echo do_shortcode( '[el_search_form type="type3" pos1="name_event" pos2="cat" pos3="loc_state" pos4="loc_city" pos5="all_time" pos6="start_event" pos7="end_event" pos8="venue" taxonomy_customize="" /]' );

Type: type1, type2, type3 pos1, pos2, pos3 ... pos8 you can insert any value: name_event, loc_input, cat, loc_state, loc_city, all_time, start_event, end_event, venue taxonomy_customize: insert slug of custom taxnomy like tax1, tax2

2: Remove Search form

remove_action( 'el_archive_description', 'el_event_archive_description', 10 );

Last updated