Search Ajax
Last updated
Last updated
Some params:
fields: Display theses fields in search form. "product-name|category|pickup-location|dropoff-location|pickup-date|dropoff-date|product-tags|quantity"
field_columns: Number column of search form
position: insert value top or left or right
show_time: Allow choose hour in Input Calendar. Insert value yes or no
show_results_found: Display text like "10 Results Found (Showing 1-6)" at left top of result area. Insert value yes or no.
show_sort_by: Display sort dropdown at right top of result area. Insert value yes or no.
card_template: Supports 6 cart templates. You can insert these value: card1, card2, card3, card4, card5, card6
posts_per_page: Number products per page. Insert number.
columns: Number columns in results area
orderby: Insert some value date,
order: DESC or ASC
pagination: Display pagination in result area. You can insert value yes or no
default_category: search default in this category. Insert slug of category. Example car
incl_category: Only search in these category. Include some term id of category. example 12|20|30
excl_category: exclude search in these category
custom_taxonomies: Insert slug of custom taxonomies. Example tax1|tax2