
Go to WooCommerce >> Settings >> Booking & Rental Tab >> General Tab

In this feature, you can set:

1: Date Format

Support 4 types: d-m-Y, m/d/Y, Y/m/d, Y-m-d

2: Time Format

Support 2 types: 24 hours ( 18: 00 ) and 12 Hours ( 6:pm )

3: Timezone

You can change timezone in wordpress setting.

4: Max Year

Maximum year that a customer can place an order.

5: Language

This setting only applies for language in the calendar in front-end.

6: Default time slot step

This setting allows you to choose a default length for the time slot step. This setting only used when the group time of pick-up and drop-off date is empty. For example: Set 15 minutes as the default time slot step, the booking hour will be divided by a grid of 15 minutes: 07:15, 07:30, 07:45.

7: The group of time for pick-up date

Make a list of start time for your booking

8: Default time for pick-up date

If you set 7:00 AM as Default hour of start time, this hour will display default in pick-up date field in booking form.

9: The group of time for drop-off date

Make a list of end time for your booking

10: Default time for drop-off date

If you set 9:00 PM as Default hour of end time, this hour will display default in drop-off date field in booking form.

11: Disable Weekdays

You can disable any days in the week, so customers can't book on those days. However you can booking overcomes disabled weekdays. Read here

12: The first day of the week

Example: If you want Sunday is the first day of the week, you insert: Sunday in this field.

13: Show Custom Taxonomy

Depend on each category: You have to choose custom taxonomy for per category. All Categories: Custom taxonomy will display in all categories.

14: Google Maps API Key

Use to insert location of product in Map. Click here to register googke map api key

15: Map Zoom

zoom of map at frontend

16: Latitude Map default, Longitude Map default

Default position of Map.

Last updated