Advanced Options

Advanced options are only applied for a particular product.

However, it is recommended that you set up Global Settings that are applied for all products and category settings (Create Category) that are applied for products of a particular category before setting up "Advanced Options" tab for a individual product.

In this feature, you can set:

1) Product Template

Category Setting: Use template that setup in category.

Classic: Use "Classic" template for product

Modern: Use "Modern" template for product

Product template - Elementor: Use template that build in Elementor

2) Disable Weekdays

If you want "Booking overcomes disabled weekdays", please go to WooCommerce >> Settings >> Booking & Rental >> Product Details >> Booking Form tab >> Check "Booking overcomes disabled weekdays" options.


  • Booking overcomes disabled weekdays: Yes

  • Booking overcomes disabled weekdays: No

3) Minimum Booking Days/Hours/Night

4) Maximum Booking Days/Hour/Night

5) Time between 2 leases (Day/Minutes)

6) Preparation Time


Preparation Time: 3

Current date: 06 August 2024

So you only can book from 09 August 2024

7) Custom Checkout Field

Category Setting: The product will get all custom checkout field that setup in category.

Choose some fields for this product: You can insert some checkout field for this product.

8) Show Quantity

Global Setting: Get value in WooCommerce Setting.

Yes: Show Quantity for this product.

No: Hide Quantity for this product.

9) Pick-Up Date

a) Show the group of time

Global Setting: Get in WooComemrce Setting.

Choose New Group Time: Create new group time

No: Hide Group Time

b) Default Time

Global Setting: Get in WooComemrce Setting.

Choose New Time: You can add new defaul time for this product.

c) Rename "Pick-up Date" title by

Category Setting: Get value in setting of category

New Title: You can create new title. Example "Check-in" if you are using for hotel

10) Drop-Off Date

a) Show

Global Setting: Get value in WooCommerce Setting.

Yes: Show "Drop-off Date" field at frontend

No: Hide "Drop-off Date" field at frontend

b) Show the group time

Global Setting: Get in WooComemrce Setting.

Choose New Group Time: Create new group time

No: Hide Group Time

c) Default time

Global Setting: Get in WooComemrce Setting.

Choose New Time: You can add new defaul time for this product.

c) Rename "Drop-off Date" title by

Category Setting: Get value in setting of category

New Title: You can create new title. Example "Check-out" if you are using for hotel

11) Pick-Up Location

a) Show

Category Setting: Setup in per category

Yes: Show pick-up location for this product

No: Hide pick-up location for this product

b) Enter another location in form

12) Drop-Off Location

a) Show

Category Setting: Setup in per category

Yes: Show pick-up location for this product

No: Hide pick-up location for this product

b) Enter another location in form

13) Extra Tab

Global Setting: Get value in WooCommerce Setting

New Content: You can insert new shortcode or content

Empty Content: Hide Extra tab at frontend

14) Display Price In Format

a) In Product Template

Category setting: Get value in per category

New Format: Define new format

b) In Card Template

Category setting: Get value in per category

New Format: Define new format

15) Product Display Position

Allow to the position that a product are displayed in the product listing page.

Last updated