Manage Portfolios
Last updated
Last updated
You can setup setting in Customizer. Read here
From Dashboard, Go to Portfolio >> All Portfolios With this feature, you can see a list of all Portfolios. Besides, it lets you view, edit, remove and clone any portfolios
From Dashboard, Go to Portfolio >> Add A New Portfolio If you want to have a new portfolio, You only need: - Write Title, Description, Excerpt - Add Date, Location, Department - Create Gallary - Allow Comments, Trackbacks and pingbacks or not
To add a new portfolio category, you only need to: - Add Name of portfolio category, slug and description - Choose Parent Items‌
You can see the image below:
Copy php file from Plugins/ova-portfolio/templates/*.php to Themes/egovt-child/ovapor-templates/*.php
You can customize in Plugins/ova-portfolio/templates/archive-por.php file
You can customize in Plugins/ova-portfolio/templates/single-por.php file
You can customize in Plugins/ova-portfolio/templates/elementor/*.php file