Event Filter Ajax
Last updated
Last updated
You can use Elementor or Shortcode to display template like here:
Layout: Layout 1, Layout 2
Alignment: The Filter dipslay Left, Center, Right
Number Post: Total Items in All or per category
Choose Time: All, Current, Upcoming, Past Event
Order By Post: Date, ID, Title
Order Post: Ascending, Descending
Excluded Categories: Insert Category ID if you don't want to display in results and the fitler bar.
Show filter: show the filter bar.
Show All in filter
Show only Featured: you can define feature(special event) when create an event.
Show "View All Events" Button
Additional Settings: Config of slider.
Copy file Plugins/ova-events/templates/elements/ovaev_events_ajax_content.php to Your-theme/ovaev-templates/elements/ folder. Note you have to create these folder.